
Parallels Desktop (Retail) for Mac Annual Subscription License

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Parallels Desktop for Mac (Standard Edition Annual Subscription)

Run Windows on Mac without rebooting

  • Run more than 200,000 Windows apps on a Mac, including Microsoft Office for Windows.
  • Download and Install Windows OS on your Intel or Apple M series Mac computer.
  • Seamlessly copy and paste text or drag-and-drop files between Mac and Windows.
  • Develop and test across multiple OSs in a virtual machine for Mac.
  • Run Windows applications effortlessly without slowing down your Mac.

Fast, Powerful and Easy

Run thousands of Windows apps like Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, Access, Quicken, QuickBooks, Visual Studio, even graphic intensive games and CAD programs without compromising on performance or rebooting

  • Seamless: Use windows, side-by-side, with macOS on your MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac mini or Mac Pro- no restarting required. Share files and folders, copy and paste images and test, and drag and drop files and content between Mac and Windows applications.
  • Easy Set- Up: Parallels Desktop automatically detects what you need to get started so you can get up and running within minutes! If you need Windows, you’ll be prompted to download and install Windows 11 or use your Boot Camp installation if you have an Intel-based Mac. You may also migrate your Window PC * or Linux, like Ubuntu (Intel- based Mac computers).
  • Lighting Fast: Graphic and resource- hungry Windows applications run effortlessly without slowing down your Mac. Run applications such as Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, SQL server, PowerBI, AutoCAD, MetaTrader, and thousands more. Play your favorite Windows-only games on a MAC.
  • Choose your view: Make Windows invisible while still using its applications Coherence Mode, or if you’re new to Mac, you can set Windows to occupy your entire screen, so it looks just like it would if you were using Windows PC.

Parallels Desktop for Mac Features

Whether you need to run Windows programs that don’t have Mac versions, or you are making the switch from PC to Mac and need to transfer your data, Parallels Desktop has you covered.

  • Ultimate Flexibility: Works with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, and 7, Linux, macsOS*, and more. No more having to choose between PC or Mac
  • Works with Boot Camp: Re use your existing Boot Camp installation. Using Boot Camp in Parallels Desktop virtual machine is easy – just follow our installation assistance at start up.
  • Once- Click Tuning: Select productivity, games, designPRO software testingPRO or developmentPro, and Parallels Desktop will optimize your VM settings and performance for you.
  • Office 365 Integration: Enables Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents in Safari to open in their native Windows Office app.
  • Save Disk Space: Get the most out of your Mac with automatic Disk Space optimization and Free Up Disk Space assistant.
  • 24/7 Support: Premium 24/7 phone, email and social support after activation.
  • Travel Mode: Extend battery life while away from a power source.
  • Instant Access: Launch and access Windows applications right from the Mac Dock.· 

For Parallels Desktop for Mac (Pro Edition) and Parallels Desktop for Mac (Business Edition), contact our Synnex Cloud Team at

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